We are starting to think about leaving and getting thins in order. We feel sad about Dias not being with us but we feel very comfortable leaving him after having spent all this time with his caregivers and knowing him a little better now. We made him a photograph album and a blankie. They will continue to tell him about us and he knows we are coming back and soon he will leave with us on a plane. Mike loved his visit in a real yurt. The poster is all about adoption, how many etc. and guess who that is in the upper left hand corner? None other than Shawn Adilet Collins! He is on their poster for adoption! How special for us! Aida Criner is also and I can't wait to show them. The lady in blue took care of Shawn while he was in isolation (2 1/2 years of his life) and we both look terrible because of all the crying that went on. I still can't quite get my mind around that experience. Other lady in white is the doctor for Dias and she gave us a wonderful history and really nothing bad, just the hip issue. She is very happy he will have it fixed and recover in the USA w/ a lot of 1:1 attention. She is also the one that told us more about Shawn than we knew before.
More photo-developing, walking around and ate lunch at our favorite little cafeteria. Gulnara will be here some time today. Tatyana has called and emailed and kept up with us. As I have written, everyone has been wonderful. Mike watches all the goings on with binoculars from our 7th floor apt. Never a dull moment.....Off to see little man soon and home to eat and sleep and then really start to pack and wrap up details for this trip. I know the next two will be rush-rush so we have tried to do it all this one.
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