We will start our last full day here of visits and start to pack and prepare Dias for our leaving. Everyone at the baby house is worried, Mike and I aren't. With Shawn, no one at the baby house worried and we worried. Mike and I both agree, Dias understands. The next trip may be harder because we will have to tell him again, we are leaving but will be back.
We had a good visit with Gulnara last eve. discussing adoption-ours and others. We will sign a stack of papers today and the Minister of Education representative will visit again. We will stay in a flat tomorrow night in Almaty which we appreciate Gulnara arranging because Hotel Kazakhstan was $$$$$$$.
We buy educational toys for the groupa and Dias knocks 'em out. He is so smart. he says "good boy" and continues to tell Inessa she does not need to translate, he understands. We think he really does. He has the cutest grin!
We talked to Shawn yesterday and he told his grandpa he wanted to tell him mom he loved he before school. Made my day and we miss him so much. It ha taken 5 attempts to write this one entry. Think I will end this one now. More later....We have wonderful memories of our bonding time and will miss our new friends. And of course, the kiddos......
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