We are still having internet blog problems but here we go again...All visits are going perfect and Dias warms up to us more and more. He does not like Mike's "stickly" beard. He practically flys into my arms when we arrive. He is quite content most of the time when we leave and clearly feels at home (of ocurse he does) with his little family group.
They pee and poo in little blue basins and it too cute when he goes and gets number 9 (everything is numbered for each child) pot, does his thing, hands it to me to rinse, goes and washes his little hands and dries then on towel number nine. They eat a very healthy diet. Fruit everyday (we did not see that in '05) and vitamins everyday (also nyet in '05).
Our apt. is terrific and except for the computer problems - oh vey!!!!! - and our DVD player fried or something, all else is good. We are quite comfortable this trip. Dias is wonderfully cared for and as usual the babyhouse is clean and orderly.