Sunday, September 14, 2008

It's Official

We officially gave our Power of Attorney to the Kazakh team with Journey Homes Adoption Services, Inc. to represent us for our adoption. The next few weeks will bring more paper work and emails as we wait for good news. We are not giving up on this child.
We are applying for a loan with A Child Waits Foundation (WONDERFUL people) that will be a low interest loan if approved. We were denied a grant (sad) but only because our chosen child is not special needs enough (glad).
Our wonderful credit union also approved an increase in a personal line of credit. I am also working on fund raising stuff. Working and a family aren't leaving much time to do this but we are pushing through. Working on EBay stuff today.
We are rush-rush about all this because we were told we could receive travel dates in a month or so if all goes well.
Keep us in your thoughts.
Our newest photographs are so stinkin cute of our chosen child! That smile and those mischievous eyes keep us strong and focused.

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