Saturday, June 28, 2008

When Love Takes You In

Go to Steven Curtis Chapman's website (a Christian singer/songwriter) or You Tube under adoption and find "When Love Takes You In". This song and video kept me going on our first adoption. I still love it, but this time it is also has the meaning to hold tight to every moment because it is too short. The Chapman's lost one of their daughters to death after an accident. So the song now still inspires me for our adoption, but also makes me remember to be very present in this moment, with who I have in my life now. All of whom are blessings. If you have some time to kill just watch some of those adoption videos. And get the Kleenex.
We could find almost nothing on Kazakhstan our first adoption, now because of the www and such, it is easy. Some of it may be crap, and I apologize, I can't filter what I want you to see and not, but check it out. A HUGE country with a lively and interesting history and people. There is a band called "Ukar" which is a folk/rock type band that is really good. Any posts/videos you find from Taldy Korgan (Kurgan) is where we went and are going again. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks great!! These are the same colors as my blog. I started it over a year ago and have done very little to it. Never published it either. :) Glad to see you working on yours. Traci, Lindale